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Schedule Task di Mikrotik

Schedule task in mikrotik script actually just runs the process automatically performed and scheduled at certain times. The script itself is also a command that is in mikrotik. The following examples assume we will break the internet connection at the office is closed (eg 16:00 Hours) and will connect again when the office is open (eg 08.00). This is done to avoid misuse of the Internet connection when away from the office administrator in a way that tida less noticeable.

There are many ways exactly can be done for the case above, among others:
1. Turn off the router by unplugging the power supply, less smooth way and look adminnya stingy: D.
2. Shutdown with shutdown script, this way requires every morning turn on the router.
3. Jalakan script to Disable Internet interface and Mengenable kembali.Cara will not be discussed first, because it does not have the discussion again.
The second way the steps are as follows:
- From the menu System -> Scripts, then emerged Windows Script List
- Click the + sign, emerging new windows script
- Fill in the name of the script eg shut, fill in the source / system shutdon. Click Apply and then Ok
- To perform the test, select the script shut and then click Run Script
- Turn the router .- It is time now to do the scheduling to execute this script.
- From the main menu click system -> the scheduler, will appear the windows scheduler
- Click the + sign, fill in the name eg shut, Start date Jun/30/2007 example, fill time 16:00:00 dikehendaki.Interval or any other time is the time interval
the script will run. For example will run every hour 16.00, mean 24-hour intervals. Fill 24:00:00:00
- Fill the event on the desired script name in this case is the script shut.Klik Ok. Just waiting for the script will run at the Third ditentukan.Cara
- Eg ethernet connected to the internet is ether1
- System -> script -> Click + -> name = die source = / disable the ethernet interface ether1 -> Click Ok
- Click the + again -> name = live sorce = / interface ethernet enable ether1 -> Click OK.
- Select masing2 script then Run Script, if you want to do the testing.
- Time to make the schedule
- Sytem -> Scheduler -> Click the + sign, name = die, eg date jun/30/2007 16:00:00 hours, every 24-hour intervals fill 24:00:00:00 or in accordance with the desired, filled Event On script to die.
- Schedule For the same pace of life, just diebedakan On event filled life and time, eg 24 08:00:00 jam.Selamat interval also try hopefully not confused.

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