How could you, a single computer connected to the other even without cable ...? Is it because they (the computer) has taught mysticism or power in he .. he .. he ..? You certainly have always known with wifi technology that has begun to spread among users of the gadget. Wireless Network is not one branch of mysticism (especially evil, red). Wireless LAN, do not have any relationship with the unseen world, appearance, and the singularity, much less a miracle. Wireless LAN's just a piece of science, the result of creativity, fad, and human curiosity of nature around it. Now we need to know, like what the heck does it work ..? And how to prove the relationship "magic" that can be explained scientifically.
In order for computers or gadgets that are in the area of Wireless Network can be successful in sending and receiving data to and from each other, then there are three components required. Namely:
1. Signal Radio (Radio Signal).
2. Data Format (Data Format).
3. The network structure or the Network (Network Structure).
Each of these three components operate independently. Which means, they should not be independent.
What we mean by stand alone before is the way things work and function. If we want likens a network as a layer cake, then each component was located at different layers. They work and control the different layers.
Radio signals for example, work on the bottom layer is commonly referred to as physical layer, or physical layer. Then Format Data or Data Format controls the multiple layers thereon. Structure and tissue serves as a tool to send and receive radio signals.
You've heard stories about how to work the modem to send and receive data to and from the internet instead? Well, in the world of Wireless LAN, how to work equipment wirelessnya also similar.
We will send data, wireless devices earlier will serve as a device that converts digital data into radio signals. Then when received, the equipment was functioning as a device that converts radio signals into digital data that can be understood and processed by computers.
It's getting clear and satisfied with our explanation about the workings of the Wireless Network in sending and receiving data? Still not satisfied? Well, we try to discuss further. We will ngebahasnya briefly below.
You may still curious and wondering, how the story, koq radio signals that can be converted into digital data, and vice versa. The basic principle used in wireless technology is actually taken from the equation made by James Clerk Maxwell in 1964.
In that equation, with explicit and clear Maxwell successfully demonstrated the fact that, any changes in the magnetic field will create electric fields. And conversely, any changes that occur in electric fields that will menciptaken magnetic fields.
Maxwell further explained ... when an electric current (AC or alternating current) travels through a cable or physical means (conductor) other, then, some parts of energynya be released into free space around it, and then forming a magnetic field or alternating magnetic fields.
Then, the magnetic field created by the energy that escapes it will create an electric field in free space, which then will create a magnetic field again, and again the electric field, magnetic field again, and so on, until the electric current of the original or first stopped (interrupted , red).
Form of energy that is created from these changes, known as electromagnetic radiation (electromagnetic radiation), or we used to know as radio waves. That means, the radio can be defined as the radiation of electromagnetic energy that escapes into the air (free space).
As often you hear that, if the tool was used to produce radio waves called TRANSMITTER. Then the tool used to detect and capture the existing radio air waves, the ordinary is called RECEIVER.
Well, so both devices before (transmitter and receiver) are more focused when you send, create wave patterns, direct, enhance, and capture the radio signals, to and from the air, then dibantulah with other tools, namely ANTENNA.
Thanks to the equations of Maxwell, transmitters, receivers, and antennas, which are then incorporated into all wireless LAN equipment that, then the computer can communicate, send and receive data via radio waves, or commonly referred to as wireless netwok.
But that's a lot of radio stations and frequencynya vary, koq alias collisions can not mingle? Keyboard ngaturnya? In order not to collide with each other, the radio wave is sent into the air that can be arranged frequencynya. That is by way of set or modify an electric current residing on the sender and receiver equipment was (transmitter, receiver).
And the separation distance between the frequency is called SPECTRUM. Then, the smallest part of the spectrum called the BAND. And to measure the amount of repetition from one wave to wave that occurred in a matter of seconds, the unit is used HERTZ (Hz).
Hertz, taken from the name of the person who first attempted to send and pick up radio waves, ie HEINRICH HERTZ. One hertz is calculated as the distance between one wave to the next wave. And radio signals that are usually found on the frequency of thousands, millions, or billions of hertz (KHz, MHz, GHz).
Now, by setting the frequency that the radio signals can not collide. And to the questions whether the equipment could be using that to capture the wireless radio, the answer is not likely to happen. Why?
Why, yes ... that was. Wave signal or a wireless signal that is at a different frequency signals or waves from a radio station that we usually hear. Similarly, at a glance the basic understanding of how wifi works.
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