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Security Wireless LAN (Wifi)

Wifi network has more flaws than with wired networks. Current developments
WiFi technology is very significant in line with the needs of mobile information systems. Many
wireless service providers such as commercial hotspot, ISP, Warnet, kampuskampus
and offices have
started to use wifi on each network, but very little attention
security of data communications on wireless networks. This makes the hacker be interested in
to explore keamampuannya to perform various activities which are usually illegal
using wifi.
In this article will discuss various types of activities and methods that the hacker wireless
or the beginner in doing wardriving. Wardriving is an activity or activities to
get information on a wifi network and gain access to wireless network
them. Generally aim to get an internet connection, but many also do
for maksudmaksud
starting from a certain curiosity, try try, research, practical tasks,
crime and others.
The downside of wireless networks can generally be divided into two types, namely the weakness in
configuration and weakness on the type of encryption used. One example of the causes of weakness
on the current configuration to build a wireless network quite easily. Many
vendors who provide facilities that enable the user or network admin so often
found in wireless that still use the default wireless configuration congenital vendors. The author often
found mounted on the wireless network is still using the default settings the default vendor
such as SSID, IP address, remote management, DHCP enabled, channel frequency, even without encryption
user / password for the wireless administration.
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is a wireless security standard before, can now be
be easily solved with a variety of tools available free on the internet. WPAPSK
and LEAP
are considered to be a solution to replace WEP, now also has to be solved by the method
offline dictionary attack.

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